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Europe Office

3581ES, Oorsprongpark,
Utrecht, The Netherlands

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+1 (808) 285-0923

Frequently Asked Questions

Answered below.

How will I know if my child is doing the course?

Simple! At the end of every module, there is an assessment to ensure your child has understood all of the content. You'll be getting e-mail reports about your child's progress so you'll now how they're doing.

Is there any support after my child completes the course?

Absolutely! The journey only starts there. We are proud to represent and cultivate The Freedom Community, where kids from all over the world can connect to find likemindedness in the beauty of interaction, to swipe less and live more.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

We do. We find it crucial to deliver on our promises, and believe that the results will speak for themselves. If for any reason you're unsatisfied with the course, we will refund your money.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Great question! There is around 4 hours of video content and lots of interactive exercises at the end. Together with the assignments, the course can be completed in 7 days if your child participates for ~45 minutes every day, but your child can take as much time as they need!